Standing Committees
Welcome to NMJC's Standing Committees information page
Standing Committee – The NMJC Board subscribes to the belief that its employees and students should contribute and assist in formulating policies and procedures for NMJC, subject to review and approval by the NMJC Board of such recommendation. To implement this belief, ad hoc committees may be formulated. A standing committee is a permanent committee with a defined purpose whose membership includes elected/selected persons and may include ex-officio persons. The establishment of standing committees must be approved by the president of the college.
Ad hoc Committee – An ad hoc committee is a temporary committee established to perform a given task or activity for a specified period of time. Membership is usually determined by the person or group originating the committee.
Ex-officio – Ex-officio refers to non-voting membership on a committee by virtue of position or office held.
General Rules for Standing Committees
- A quorum shall be a simple majority of the voting membership. Official business may not be conducted without a quorum.
- Ex-officio members of committees shall be non-voting members unless otherwise stated.
- Members may send substitutes when personal attendance is not possible. Substitutes may participate in all aspects of the meeting with the exception of voting.
- If members consistently fail to attend scheduled meetings, the chairperson may institute measures to have them replaced.
- Elected/selected members who wish to resign from a committee should do so in writing to the chairperson.
- All meetings are open, and non-members are welcome to attend.
- The committee shall have a recording secretary who is responsible for recording, distributing and filing minutes of all meetings.
Academic Standards / Curriculum Committee:
Make recommendations to the VP for Instruction concerning:
All curricular and degree plan items
- Course substitutions
- Academic Program Reviews
- Academic Freedom
- Withdrawal policies
- Attendance policies
- Academic grievance policies
- Prepare minutes of meetings and disseminate to the President, VP for Instruction, and committee members.
One faculty member (Chair)
Recorder (Chair appointed) (ex-officio)
VP for Instruction (ex-officio)
VP for Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness (ex-officio)
Three Instructional Deans (ex-officio)
Dean of SOAR and Student Success (ex-officio)
Registrar (ex-officio)
Athletic Director (ex-officio)
Three faculty members from Arts & Sciences
Two faculty members from Applied Sciences
One faculty member from Workforce Training and Professional Studies
Two coaches from Athletics
Date | Agenda |
10/11/2024 | Agenda Link |
04/26/2024 | Agenda Link |
11/03/2023 | Agenda Link |
09/08/2023 | Agenda Link |
03/31/2023 | Agenda Link |
02/03/2023 | Agenda Link |
11/04/2022 | Agenda Link |
09/09/2022 | Agenda Link |
Campus Safety and Emergency Management Committee:
- Review all general liability/personal injury incidents as needed.
- Review/make changes in Emergency Management/Safety Manual.
- Provide safety and guidance to employees on campus.
- Make recommendations on discipline for violations of safety practices.
- Make budget recommendations to the President regarding campus safety.
- Prepare minutes of meetings and disseminate to the President, all VP’s and committee members.
Director of Campus Security and Safety (Chair)
Recorder (Chair appointed) (ex-officio)
NMJC President
VP for Finance
VP for Instruction
VP for Student Services
VP for Operations & Special Projects
Director of Public Safety Programs
One Maintenance Staff
Date | Agenda |
11/02/2023 | Agenda Link |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee:
- Identify and advocate for matters of diversity, equity, and inclusion at the institutional level.
- Support NMJC in its efforts to capitalize on the educational, economic and civic benefits of diversity.
- Further strengthen the College climate of respect, civility, and mutual appreciation.
- Foster initiatives that help NMJC attain its goals of open access and equal opportunity.
- Prepare minutes of meetings and disseminate to the President, all VPs, and committee members.
One Administrator (Chair)
Recorder (Chair appointed)
VP for Student Services
Dean of SOAR and Student Success
Director of Human Resources
Director of Residence Life
Four Faculty Members
One Support Member
Assistant Coordinator of Student Activities & Intramurals
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Committee:
- Address the issue of underage drinking and substance abuse.
- Increase involvement from administration, faculty, staff, students, and the community as a whole.
- Develop the drug and alcohol policies for NMJC and change policies where warranted.
- Collect and review data on drug and alcohol incidents relating to NMJC students.
- Direct the implementation of the alcohol and substance abuse prevention activities.
- Prepare minutes of meetings and disseminate to the President, VP for Instruction, and committee members.
Dean of Students (Chair)
Recorder (Chair appointed) (ex-officio)
VP for Student Services (ex-officio)
Instructional Dean
Director of Campus Security and Safety
Director of Residence Life
Director of Human Resources
Student Resource Coordinator
Coordinator of Student Activities and Intramurals
Athletic Director
Date | Agenda |
11/07/2023 | Agenda Link |
Employee Benefits and Welfare Committee:
- Recommend policies and procedures relating to employee welfare and benefits.
- When needed, do research relating to specific topics that affect employees.
- Discuss any issues that might affect employees, their welfare and benefits and make recommendations.
- Review all areas of employee welfare and/or benefits on a yearly basis.
- Prepare minutes of meetings and disseminate to the President, all VP’s and committee members.
One Administrator (Chair)
Recorder (Chair appointed) (ex-officio)
Director of Human Resources
Two Faculty
Two Professional Employees
Two Support and Maintenance Staff
Date | Agenda |
02/16/2024 | Agenda Link |
Faculty and Staff Development Committee:
- Identify training and professional development needs and opportunities.
- Coordinate training and development activities including on-campus and off-campus events, meetings and seminars.
- Focus on broad training and development activities tied to institutional objectives and the Strategic Plan.
- Prepare minutes of meetings and disseminate to the President, all VP’s and committee members.
VP for Instruction (Chair)
Recorder (Chair appointed) (ex-officio)
Four Faculty Members
Director of Human Resources
One Instructional Dean
Two Professional Positions
Two Support Staff
Date | Agenda |
04/19/24 | Agenda Link |
04//28/23 | Agenda Link |
01/27/23 | Agenda Link |
12/02/22 | Agenda Link |
Financial Aid Committee:
- Make recommendations for Financial Aid policies and procedures.
- Review annually the policies and procedures for Financial Aid and make suggestions for updating or changing those policies.
- Serve as a review board for written appeals from students who are on Financial Aid Probation or Financial Aid Suspension or Timeframe status.
- Show a campus-wide effort to deal with loan default rate.
- Develop policies and procedures to maintain default percentages within an acceptable level.
- Prepare minutes of meetings and disseminate to the President, all VP’s and committee members.
Director of Financial Aid (Chair)
Recorder (Chair appointed) (ex-officio)
VP for Student Services
VP for Advancement
Dean of SOAR and Student Success
Two Professional Employees
Two Faculty Representatives
Date | Agenda |
05/21/2025 | Agenda Link |
03/06/2024 | Agenda Link |
01/24/2024 | Agenda Link |
01/10/2024 | Agenda Link |
12/07/2023 | Agenda Link |
10/04/2023 | Agenda Link |
08/30/2023 | Agenda Link |
Institutional Review Committee:
- Make recommendations concerning policies and procedures relating to data submission.
- Perform specific research as deemed necessary by the President and report findings.
- Make proposals to the VP of Institutional Effectiveness or the President regarding needed research.
- Organize the reporting of all data.
- Ensure a process for accuracy of all data prior to submission.
- Produce and maintain an annual report/data submission calendar.
- Ensure the development and utilization of an electronic archival system.
- Develop a process for data collection and reporting.
- Establish and maintain college wide data standards.
- Review and approve institutional data requests.
- Review and approve or disapprove the conduct of research involving human subjects in accordance with the institution’s research policy.
- Prepare minutes of meetings and disseminate to the President, all VP’s and committee members.
VP for Institutional Research, Planning and Effectiveness (Chair)
Recorder (Chair appointed) (ex-officio)
VP for Instruction
Chief Information Officer
Instructional Deans
One Faculty
Date | Agenda |
11/28/23 | Agenda Link |
3/25/24 | Agenda Link |
11/08/24 | Agenda Link |
Institutional Technology Planning Committee:
- Using input from the campus community, develops needed training and a dynamic plan for technology integration within the institution.
- Maintains a constant search for, “cutting edge” technology.
- Develops software and hardware standards for labs and offices.
- Write the information technology requests.
- Develop a PC and lab PC replacement plan.
- Develop and update the NMJC Computer Use Policy.
- Prepare minutes of meetings and disseminate to the President, all VP’s and committee members.
Chief Information Officer (Chair)
Recorder (Chair appointed) (ex-officio)
VP for Finance
Learning Technology Design & Training Administrator
Database Administrator/Programmer Analyst
Programmer Analyst/Webmaster
Database/Server Specialist
IT Technician II
Graphic Designer
One Faculty
Date | Agenda |
10/23/23 | Agenda Link |
10/28/24 | Agenda Link |
Program Review Committee:
- Analyze the yearly Academic Program Review to make programmatic recommendations to the appropriate Instructional Dean regarding the allocation of resources (financial, instructional, and personnel).
- Make strategic recommendations concerning the program(s) being reviewed in the context of institutional goals, existing and planned programs, and available resources.
- Prepare minutes of meetings and disseminate to the President, all VPs, and committee members.
VP for Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness (Chair)
Recorder (Chair appointed)
VP for Instruction
VP for Finance
Instructional Deans
Three Faculty, which will rotate based on the Program Review schedule. These individuals will be notified by the Deans.
Date | Agenda |
12/14/23 | Agenda Link |
11/15/23 | Agenda Link |
3/28/24 | Agenda Link |
11/01/24 | Agenda Link |
Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee:
- Review HLC and state guidelines and requirements as related to student achievement and learning.
- Review, update, and disseminate the college’s assessment plan.
- Develop strategies for implementing the assessment plan.
- Develop strategies to ensure shared responsibility for student learning and assessment of student learning.
- Plan, develop, and work in hands-on instructional sessions with faculty regarding assessment.
- Prepare minutes of meetings and disseminate to the President, all VP’s, and committee members.
Faculty Coordinator of Assessment and Quality (Chair)
Recorder (Chair appointed) (ex-officio)
VP for Instruction (ex-officio)
VP for Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness (ex-officio)
Instructional Deans (ex-officio)
Dean of Students (ex-officio)
Learning Technology Design & Training Administrator (ex-officio)
Three Faculty from Arts Sciences
Two Faculty from Applied Sciences & Learning Technology
One Faculty from Workforce Training and Professional Development
Date | Agenda |
10/11/2024 | |
11/08/2024 |
Student Success / Completion, Graduation, and Retention Committee:
- Develop a three to five-year Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) plan that will
include Recruitment, Student Success / Completion, Graduation and Retention.
This will include:
Identification of metrics
Evaluation of current trends in enrollment, success and retention at NMJC.
Development of enrollment, success and retention goals and strategies.
Evaluation and refinement of the goals and strategies annually. - Develop strategies for implementation of the SEM plan.
- Coordinate efforts with others across campus (i.e. faculty, advisors, recruiters, marketing, student groups, etc.)
- Prepare and distribute an annual report of goals and progress toward those goals to the campus community.
- Prepare minutes of meetings and disseminate to the President, all VP’s and committee members.
VP for Student Services (Chair)
Recorder (chair appointed) (ex-officio)
VP for Advancement
VP for Instruction
VP for Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness
Dean of Students
Three Instructional Deans
Dean of SOAR and Student Success
Director of Athletics
Director of Student Support Services
Coordinator of Student Activities and Intramurals
Eight Faculty Positions
Two Athletic Coaches
Two Students
Date | Agenda |
04/03/24 | Agenda Link |
02/23/24 |