NMJC Leadership Institute
NMJC Leadership Institute
In Fall 2023, the NMJC Leadership Institute was launched to ensure professional development opportunities for current and future campus leaders.
As an aspiring or current leader, one has to realize or come to an awakening of the purpose in their present or future roles and of institutional mission and vision. Awareness of purpose is the underlying factor that maximizes relevant leadership.
To achieve paramount leadership potential, one must engage people in intentional and organic conversations while clearly understanding one's own personality traits, strengths, and opportunities for growth. Meaningful interactions with people create necessary avenues of reflective leadership.
Leadership requires continual and in-depth inquiry, discovery, and feasible modification or organizational processes from an integrated standpoint. Committing to consistently scrutinize the process is a fundamental characteristic of rational leadership.
Cohort One
Team Members
The following NMJC employees were identified by divisional VP's and approved by the Executive Cabinet to participate in the inaugural Leadership Institute sector. Additional cohorts will go through an application process.
Cammie Armstrong, Director of Nursing
Lucius (Luke) Brister, Professor of Accounting/Business
Julie Buchanan, Director of Bookstore Services
Francis Calderon, Executive Assistant to the VP for Operations and Special Projects
Cruz Castillo, Director of Continuing Education
Ty Elliott, Server/Security Administrator
Joni Ochoa, Director of Cosmetology
JoeMike Gomez, Procurement Officer
Luke Griffith, Ph.D., Professor of Government/History
Larchinee Turner, Ed.D., Dean of Workforce Training
Abel Lujan, Academic Success Advisor
Gary McDaniel, Associate VP for Operations & Special
Candace McTizic-Garcia, Acting Chief of Campus Safety
Jessica Olivas, Graphic Designer
Terrence Rasco, Programmer Analyst
Ruth Rios, Assistant Director of Financial Aid
Kelly Rueda, Dean of Student Services
Sandra Thompson, Professor of Biology
Rachel Wagner, Professor of Nursing
Stacey Wynn, Controller
Year One
Fall 2023 through Spring 2024 - Workshop-based Modules
- Read: Good to Great by Collins
Discuss: Lessons learned and applications for NMJC - Read: The Speed of Trust by Stephen M. R. Covey
Discuss: Lessons learned and application for NMJC - Watch: The movie "McFarland USA" and "Remember the Titans"
Discuss: Lessons learned and application for NMJC - Read: Crucial and Tough Conversations - Do Performance Evaluations Matter?
Discuss: Lessons learned and application for NMJC - Read: Strength Based Leadership
Discuss: Lessons learned and application for NMJC - Read: Developing Raving Fans
Discuss: Lessons learned and application for NMJC - Read: Blink by Malcom Gladwell
Discuss: Lessons learned and applications for NMJC - Discuss: Purpose/People/Processes for second year projects
Year Two
Fall 2024 through Spring 2025 - Group-based projects aligned with institutional core values.
Implement a comprehensive professional development program.
Executive Cabinet Project Contacts
Steve Sauceda
Bill Brown, DBA
Group Leader
Luke Griffith, Ph.D.
Team Members
Cammie Armstrong
Terrance Rasco
Frances Calderon
Identify a process for evaluating course fees.
Executive Cabinet Project Contacts
Josh Morgan
Maryrose Eannace, Ph.D.
Group Leader
Julie Buchanan
Team Members
Abel Lujan
Stacey Wynn
Kelly Rueda
Initiate a community engagement program.
Executive Cabinet Project Contacts
Rachel Gallagher, Ph.D.
Scotty Holloman
Group Leader
Larchinee Turner, Ed.D.
Team Members
Lucius (Luke) Brister
Sandra Thompson
Rachel Wagner
Research a potential recyclying project.
Executive Cabinet Project Contacts
Charley Carroll, Ph.D.
Bill Kunko
Group Leader
JoeMike Gomez
Team Members
Gary McDaniel
Ruth Rios
Cruz Castillo

Leadership Institute - Cohort One - Back Row, left to right: Ruth Rios, Cruz Castillo, Abel Lujan, Francis Calderon, Luke Griffith, Ph.D., Ty Elliott, Candace McTizic-Garcia, Terrence Rasco, Lucius (Luke) Brister, Gary McDaniel, Joe-Mike Gomez, and Derek Moore, Ed.D. Front Row, left to right: Stacy Wynn, Julie Buchanan, Larchinee Turner, Ed.D., Rachel Wagner, Jessica Olivas, Sandra Thompson, Kelly Rueda, Joni Ochoa and Cammie Armstrong

Cohort One - Group One discussing year-two projects with Derek Moore, Ed.D. - From left to right: Francis Calderon, Luke Griffith, Ph.D., Derek Moore, Ed.D., Cammie Armstrong and Terrance Rasco

Cohort One - Group Two discussing year-two projects with Derek Moore, Ed.D. - From left to right: Kelly Rueda, Stacy Wynn, Derek Moore, Ed.D., Julie Buchanan and Abel Lujan

Cohort One - Group Three discussing year-two projects with Derek Moore, Ed.D. - From left to right: Sandra Thompson, Larchinee Turner, Ed.D., Derek Moore, Ed.D., Rachel Wagner and Lucius (Luke) Brister

Cohort One - Group Four discussing year-two projects with Derek Moore, Ed.D. - From left to right: Candace McTizic-Garcia, Joni Ochoa, Derek Moore, Ed.D. Jessica Olivas and Ty Elliott