Masks Are Important to You and NMJC
Your Mask May Protect Them.
Their Mask May Protect You.
We are doing everything we can to protect you on campus. And we need your help to do this. Personal safety is a shared responsibility. Please follow these protocols to keep everyone as safe as possible during these unusual times on campus. The type of mask is just as important, as many masks will not protect you or others. See the information below.

Wearing masks or face coverings is required inside NMJC buildings
New Mexico Junior College requires that face masks be worn when inside a public space
on campus, until further notice. This includes classrooms, common areas, library,
restrooms, meeting rooms, etc. This also includes common areas in student housing,
and the student cafeteria (while not physically eating). This also includes outside
IF you are not at least 6 feet from other people.
While in class, students must wear their masks and maintain social distancing. Faculty may remove their masks if they are teaching from the front of the classroom.
According to the CDC, face masks help reduce the spray of droplets when worn over the nose and mouth, especially if you are standing within 6 feet of another person. See the CDC's considerations of wearing masks.
How to wear a mask
Masks should be worn over the nose and mouth, and under your chin. This protects
people around you.
Types of Masks to Wear
Layered cloth masks or the disposal hospital masks are recommended by the CDC.
Face Shields are primarily used for eye protection for the person wearing it. The CDC does not currently recommend face shields as a substitute for masks.
Masks with valves do not keep your droplets from reaching others. The CDC does not recommend using asks with exhalation valves or vents.
Crochet masks are not recommended, unless they contain a filter.
Masks made of light fabric (not double-layored) or transparent fabric are not recommended. If you include a filter in the fabric, the mask will better protect
you and others.
NMJC's official mask policy may be seen here.
Why Wear a Mask
What to do...
Call or email Sarah Patterson, Dean for Student Services. She will talk with you to
ascertain your level of exposure, and guidance as to the next steps. or 575-492-2575
Please do NOT come to campus if you do not feel well, have a cough, headache, fever
over 100.4, or other symptoms. Please call Sarah Patterson if your symptoms last more
than a day, and she will discuss options. or 575-492-2575
See the safety protocols in place on campus, read the lastest directives for NMJC, and see the numbers of positive Covid cases on campus and in Lea County, plus much more.