New Mexico Junior College Celebrates at 52nd Annual Academic Achievement Awards Ceremony

New Mexico Junior College Celebrates at 52nd Annual Academic Achievement Awards Ceremony

By Deira Fernandez


On Apr. 23, 2024, New Mexico Junior College (NMJC) proudly hosted its 52nd annual Academic Achievement Ceremony, a momentous occasion where students, faculty, families, and friends gathered to honor outstanding academic accomplishments. The ceremony, held at the college campus, recognized the dedication and hard work of students across various disciplines.

The ceremony awarded students in disciplines ranging from Cosmetology and Business Courses to Animal Science, Art, Psychology, and more. Among these students were recognitions for the Student Government Outstanding Leadership and participants in the Student Leadership Academy.

Coordinator of Student Activities and Intramurals, Mari McCoy, expressed her admiration for the student's achievements, stating, "This event is the pinnacle of what hard work is. You can see a room full of students who go above and beyond, not only in the classroom but as human beings."

McCoy emphasized the challenges that students face juggling various roles, from being parents and siblings to fulfilling academic responsibilities. Despite these challenges, she commended the students for excelling both academically and personally. "Being a college student is hard… being a mom, a sister, a daughter, father, son, husband, wife, a human being is hard – but add that to being a student? It’s hard! And these students excelled," McCoy remarked.

Reflecting on the significance of the ceremony, McCoy highlighted the pride and dedication exhibited by professors towards their students. "That’s what this community college should be about – the building up of our students! So this event means that we get to celebrate those students who have dedicated the past year to NMJC, with their passion and commitment to their classes," she added.

As the organizer of the event and head of the Student Government Association, McCoy commended the collaborative efforts of multiple departments in making the ceremony a success. She praised the exceptional dedication of Student Government Association members who not only excelled in their coursework but also completed the rigorous Student Leadership Academy. McCoy shared. "They are an amazing group of young people, and I am so excited to see where they go from here."

2024 PTK Induction


New Mexico Junior College (NMJC) is a leading educational institution committed to providing success through learning and high-quality education to its diverse student body. Founded in 1965, NMJC offers a wide range of academic programs, certifications, and services to empower students to achieve their educational and career goals.

Contact: Valerie Onsurez Gauna, Director of Outreach & Engagement, 575-492-2780,, or Deira Fernandez, Recruiter, 575-492-2776,